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Organic Chlorella 90s - Detox Booster

Organic Chlorella 90s - Detox Booster

Regular price R 120.00
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Organic Chlorella – Purify and Energize with Every Capsule!

Discover the power of pure, Organic Chlorella, a green superfood packed with chlorophyll, essential nutrients, and powerful detoxifying properties to rejuvenate your cells and enhance whole-body wellness.

Our premium, pure Organic Chlorella formula is designed to support optimal cellular function by delivering bioavailable protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that nourish your body at the cellular level. Chlorella works to cleanse by binding to heavy metals and toxins, promoting natural detoxification to keep your body resilient and balanced.

Rich in chlorophyll, Chlorella enhances oxygen transport, boosting energy levels and revitalizing your cells. This natural alkalinizing effect supports pH balance, helping to combat acidity and encourage optimal nutrient absorption. With just one capsule a day, PowerCell PrO’s Chlorella formula helps you feel energized, detoxified, and ready to thrive.

Experience the benefits of Chlorella with PowerCell - purify, energize, and embrace vibrant health every day

Spirulina or Chlorella? Read more about this.

Energy Boost? PowerCell is the well-loved one-a-day capsule booster for your energy, nutrient needs, and detox efforts. 


Composition (Per Capsule): 

Active Ingredients

Amount per Capsule

Organic Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris: non-irradiated, non-GMO Chlorella)  

Containing: Chlorophyll, Chlorella Growth Factor







Professional Information

Organic Chlorella 

Proprietary Name and Dosage Form: Organic Chlorella – 90 Vegetable Capsules

Scheduling Status: S0

Composition (Per Capsule): 

Active Ingredients

Amount per Capsule

Organic Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris: non-irradiated, non-GMO Chlorella)  

Containing: Chlorophyll, Chlorella Growth Factor



Pharmacological Classification:

Complementary or alternative medicine.


Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Detoxification symptoms may occur (e.g., mild headaches or digestive discomfort). Discontinue use temporarily and resume at a lower dose when comfortable.

Consult your doctor if symptoms persist or if you have health concerns.

Dosage and Directions for Use:

Adults and Children Over 12 Years of Age: Take 1–6 capsules daily, beginning with the lower dose, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Important Notes:

Chlorella is often used as part of a detoxification protocol. Consult with a healthcare provider to establish a suitable protocol.

Also serves as a highly digestible and biologically complete plant protein, naturally low in calories.


Do not use if allergic to algae such as spirulina or chlorella.

Side Effects and Special Precautions:

Generally well tolerated.

Possible side effects include mild digestive discomfort or fatigue.

If adverse effects occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Known Symptoms of Over dosage and Particulars of its Treatment:

Overdosage may result in increased detoxification symptoms. Discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider if symptoms persist.

Storage Instructions:

Store below 25°C in a dark, dry place.


Not tested on animals.

Free from wheat, gluten, yeast, colouring, flavouring, and preservatives.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This unregistered product and its claims have not been evaluated by SAHPRA.


Transparent vegetable capsules containing green granular powder in a black plastic (HDPE) bottle.


Bottle: Black plastic (HDPE) bottle with black lid and printed label.


Manufactured in South Africa by Unipharma (Pty) LTD

Distributed by:

Unipharma (Pty) Ltd, Randburg, South Africa.

Contact Information:



Date of Publication of Electronic Professional Information: 01/2025


Professionele Inligting

Organiese Chlorella 

Eienaam en Doseringsvorm: Organiese Chlorella – 90 Plantaardige Kapsules

Skeduleringsstatus: S0 

Samestelling (Per Kapsule):

Farmakologiese Klassifikasie:

Komplementêre of alternatiewe medisyne.

Dosis en Gebruiksaanwysings:

Volwassenes en Kinders Ouer as 12 Jaar: Neem 1–6 kapsules daagliks, begin met die laer dosis, of soos aanbeveel deur jou gesondheidspraktisyn.

Belangrike Aantekeninge:

Chlorella word dikwels gebruik as deel van 'n ontgiftingsprotokol. Raadpleeg 'n gesondheidsorgverskaffer om 'n geskikte protokol op te stel.

Dien ook as 'n hoogs verteerbare en biologies volledige plantproteïen, wat natuurlik laag in kalorieë is.


Moet nie die aanbevole dosis oorskry nie.

Ontgiftingsimptome (bv. ligte hoofpyn of spysverteringsongemak) kan voorkom. Staak gebruik tydelik en hervat teen 'n laer dosis indien gemaklik.

Raadpleeg jou dokter indien simptome voortduur of as jy gesondheidskwessies het.


Moenie gebruik as jy allergies is vir alge soos spirulina of chlorella nie.

Newe-effekte en Spesiale Voorsorgmaatreëls:

Word oor die algemeen goed verdra.

Moontlike newe-effekte sluit ligte spysverteringsongemak of moegheid in.

Indien nadelige effekte voorkom, staak gebruik en raadpleeg 'n gesondheidsorgverskaffer.

Bekende Simptome van Oordosering en Behandeling:

Oordosering kan verhoogde ontgiftingsimptome veroorsaak. Staak gebruik en raadpleeg 'n gesondheidsorgverskaffer indien simptome voortduur.


Bêre onder 25°C op 'n donker, droë plek.


Nie op diere getoets nie.

Vry van gluten, koring, gis, kleurstowwe, geurmiddels, en preserveermiddels.


Hierdie produk is nie bedoel om enige siekte te diagnoseer, behandel, genees of te voorkom nie.

Hierdie ongeregistreerde produk en sy aansprake is nie deur SAHPRA geëvalueer nie.


Deursigtige plantaardige kapsules met 'n groen korrelpoeier in 'n swart plastiek (HDPE) bottel.


Bottel: Swart plastiek (HDPE) bottel met swart deksel en gedrukte etiket.


Vervaardig in Suid-Afrika by Unipharma (Pty) LTD

Versprei deur:

Unipharma (Pty) Ltd, Randburg, South Africa.




Datum van Publikasie van Elektroniese Professionele Inligting: 01/2025

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